Friday, April 22, 2011

Auto insurances in the world has a very rich history, saved name is the first car owner with insurance.

February 1, 1898, just three years after in 1895 in the United States invented the car, an American Truman Martin insures the first car to the insurance company American Insurance Company Travelers Insurance Company. The doctor paid $ 12.25 for a policy with coverage up to $ 500. Price of the policy was substantial, but the doctors Truman's easy to understand: the car in those days was a luxury that could afford a few thousand people across the country, and horses were more than 20 million That's encounter with this great "cartage" and feared Dr. Truman .
Everything changed the 20-ies, when joined Ford's assembly line.The real danger arises in connection with the sharp increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, required of any possible damage insurance. Then, in fact, the idea of ​​civil liability insurance of owners of machines, besides the already existing voluntary insurance of their own cars. Massachusetts became a pioneer. In 1925, this state is the first time demanded that mandatory insurance for any car. His example was soon followed by other states. The idea of ​​auto insurance has not caused the alienation - all the same car in those days was more a luxury than a vehicle, and put up big losses on their own or on someone else's fault not like anyone.
America went to Europe for. By the beginning of the 50's almost all European countries have made "avtograzhdanki" mandatory. At the same time was born an international system of "green cards" - an international agreement on mutual recognition of insurance policies. The name came from the green first policy.
Before the Russian idea "auto insurances" was almost a hundred years, although at the beginning of our country is not far behind the western pioneers. The first talks about the introduction of car insurance were in 1924. However, until mid-60's a big need in it actually was not, because the car for the ordinary Soviet citizen, remained an elusive luxury. In the 60's were thinking about introducing this type of insurance, but never dared to go the way of "decadent West". As a result, car insurance in Russia appeared only in 1991, and then only in a purely voluntary form.

About auto insurances in the world!

auto insurances
Liability insurance began to develop in the thirties of XX century due to a sharp increase in the number of victims of automobile accidents on the roads of the United States and Europe. Currently, such coverage is in almost all countries of the world. In the USSR, voluntary insurance of civil liability of owners of motor vehicles was introduced only in 1991.
"Green Card" was created in Europe in 50 years to facilitate unrestricted movement of vehicles across borders, as well as for compensation to the victims of accidents involving vehicles have entered the country. To date, the number of participants in the system increased from 13 to 44 countries. In "Green Card" includes virtually all European, as well as a number of Mediterranean and North African countries.
The International System "Green Card" appeared in 1953, after most European countries have adopted laws on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners. The first policies were mandatory avtostrahovok green - hence the name. Subsequently, it was used in the system of international treaties on mutual recognition of the policy of compulsory insurance avtograzhdanki.Currently, "green card" is a prerequisite for the entry of foreign citizens on the cars to the countries included in this system.
Little about the price of "Driver"
For example, in Germany, the car owner of a golf class, which in three years did not get in an accident, pays for the policy 1000-1200 euros per year. For more expensive cars insurance costs from 3700 euros per year. In Italy, the cost of "Driver" depends not only on the class of car, engine, driver's experience, but even of their sex - women have discounts, it is believed that they drive more carefully.
Today, compulsory auto insurance liability operates in 45 U.S. states. In five states the existence of such insurance is not necessary - in the remaining state law requires the driver to the presence of at least a minimum benefit package. It is worth it, depending on where the driver's home from $ 500 to $ 1000 per year. However, insurance conditions, in particular, the minimum amount of insurance coverage and the value of insurance premiums, vary widely from state to state. In one state, the car owner is not even able to register without compulsory insurance in another - with you no one is required to provide insurance to the first accident or offense. Tariffs on auto insurance in the U.S. beyond the control of the state and most often determined by the insurance companies. The amount of annual fee calculated on a complex scheme of points and bonuses, taking into account the cost of the car and the insurance history of the driver for the past year.
The main parameters of insurance coverage, which provides insurance in the U.S., are determined by three numbers: the value of the maximum compensation for physical and moral damages for each victim, the amount of payments to all injured in the accident and the amount for compensation of material damage. Depending on the state minimum sum of insurance compensation can range from $ 10 tys./20 th / 5 th in Mississippi to $ 50 tys./100 tys./25 thousand in Maine.
Insurance rates are generally set at the state level. Moreover, in most countries, third party liability insurance is carried by only one state company. In Eastern Europe, to determine the limit of liability each country went its own way. In the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary established a mandatory unlimited coverage, ie third party liability insurance policy there is always and completely covers the damages caused to third parties. In Poland, Croatia and Slovenia, the minimum coverage is comparable to the real cost of disaster repair the vehicle and the price of medical services. And here in Latvia and Ukraine established level of minimum coverage is extremely low and does not provide adequate compensation to victims.
Cover the losses of individuals in the "Green Card" is unlimited in Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, Finland and Norway. In other countries the coverage is not uniform: more than $ 36 million - in Sweden, more than $ 10 million - in Denmark, about $ 2 million - in Switzerland, $ 1 million - in the Netherlands, $ 880 thousand - in Italy, $ 580 thousand - Germany, $ 113 thousand - in Spain. Everywhere coverage applies to damage caused by passengers carried, including family members responsible insurer. Coverage of property damage are not limited to Belgium and Luxembourg. In other countries, limits are also very scattered. Starting at $ 36 million - in Sweden to $ 32 thousand - in Spain. Among them are: Denmark and Switzerland - about $ 2 million, Austria - U.S. $ 900 thousand, France - $ 511 thousand, United Kingdom - $ 370 thousand, Germany - $ 231 thousand
In many countries (eg Belgium, Ireland, United Kingdom, Finland and Spain) there are no special provisions to determine responsibility motorists. Responsibility of the driver by the provisions of the Penal Code and is based on the principle of culpability, which must be proved by the plaintiff. In contrast, many other countries adopted a special regulation, which exempts the victim from having to prove fault driver. System based on the alleged guilt - in Italy with strict liability - in Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Norway, Sweden, in certain cases, within the limit of the sums in some countries (Germany), and only for bodily injury (in Spain and Finland ).
Almost all markets in the "Green Card" organized system "discounts / allowances" to the prize for passing a bad policy, which allows you to raise or reduce the award based on alleged insurer of road accidents (a system of bonus-malus). The maximum coefficient of increase vary greatly from country to country (from +65% to +250%), as well as the reduction factors, ranging from -20% to -75%. In all countries, the government or social agencies charge a fee to the insurance premiums of compulsory civil liability on different interest rates (which can reach 50%, such as in Denmark).
Everywhere except the United Kingdom, the third parties were injured, have the right of direct action against the insurer defendants. In principle, the insured must as soon as possible to declare a road accident to his insurer. The application must be made within 3 days in Italy, 5 days - in France, 7 days - in Spain and 8 days - in Belgium. In Belgium - based on the commitments made by insurers in France - through the legislation of compulsory civil liability insurer must make to the victims in traffic accidents and injuries and a proposal for compensation or pre-payment of damages, within three months after a road accident.
It is worth noting that even in countries where such obligations in the legislation or the contract does not specify terms of liquidation of the majority of losses are relatively short. Thus, in Germany 75% of cases (property damage and / or injury) compensation occurs within two months after the road accident, and 85% of cases - within six months.
In some countries (Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, United Kingdom, etc.), trade unions, insurers have created bodies of reconciliation OMBUDSMAN, to try to resolve disputes that may arise between the insured and third parties affected by the accident. In general, traffic accidents are rarely the cause of court action against the insurer, in any case, because of property damage, which in most cases settled by peaceful means.
In some countries, "Green Card" (for example, Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom), insurance agents are the main distributors of car insurance. In Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy and Switzerland are mainly insurance agents associated with insurance companies. In France, car insurance is distributed through, or linked with insurance companies representatives, or directly through insurance companies, without intermediaries. " In the Nordic countries, except relating to insurance companies representatives, auto insurance is sold directly by the insurer or the sellers of road transport (in Norway and Sweden) as well as through insurance agents, whose role is increasing in Denmark and Finland. Finally, we emphasize the importance of new methods of sale (direct sale by telephone), which are becoming more common, along with new forms of control motor insurance, using the best features the latest technology in computer science.

What is deductible ?

This is part of payment for not routine, special services, to be paid by an accident under the terms of their insurance policy. For example, if you ask your dealer, you only pay 10 to $ 40 per visit (this is called co-payment), everything else will cover your insurance. If you get into an accident and will have to do tests, or to invite an independent expert, then you have to pay and deductible. This amount was discussed and fixed in your insurance policy. In a variety of plans, he can range from $ 250 to 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000, 5,000 dollars or more. After payment, there is also a co-insurance. Your own particle, you pay in person. For example, 80% pays the insurance company and 20% - your payment to the particle. There may be other variants of the relations, in particular, 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, which pays for the insurance company and another part of the insured person pays.

 Because our own interest particle is limited to a certain quota of 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 or 5,000 dollars, followed by a 100% paid directly to the insurance company, as usual, to 2, 3 or 5 million dollars in accordance with the plan. For example: PPO with $ 500 deductible, co-insurance: 80/20%, where your particle is 20%, but those 20% can not be more than $ 2000. These provisions are also enshrined in the policy.
Now imagine that you receive a bill for 40,500 dollars. You pay your $ 500 deductible, and a final payment of your bill is $ 40 000.Now from the 40,000 who left to pay, you have to pay your own particle (co-insurance) at a rate of 20%, which would be 8000 dollars, of which you have to pay 2,000 dollars (because your 20% can not exceed 2000 dollars). In the end, you have to pay 2,500 dollars and insurance company 38 thousand dollars. Different insurance companies have a variety of NETWORK, and it is very important to you in choosing the best web NETWORK-insurance company in individual plans.
Now we give some explanations to the part of your plan, where we discuss the conditions cover the cost of your car in case of theft.They zzavisyat on whether you buy a "Generic" or "Brand Name" Most plans pay for the medicine, and your part payment will be from 10 to 20 dollars.
What could be the reason that the insurance company refuses to pay? First of all, at the conclusion of insurance agreements you have not specified the acquisition of additional akssesuarov the vehicle (for example, have done tuning the car). Do not want much to describe all the advantages and disadvantages of insurance, as this inexhaustible subject. If you have questions about this, was pleased to answer them.

The most popular individual insurance is PPO.

PPO is nothing else like the agreement that was signed with an insurance company car repair NETWORK PPO, then they are obliged to use its price for the services of car repair. What does this mean? If you have such insurance, contact your network studios, which belongs to the network NETWORK, and receive a bill for services in the amount of $ 1000, then, as usual, pay for it, only 40% of the amount, the surrender of 60% will pay an insurance company. If you see a car repair shop that does not work in a network NETWORK, the insurance will continue to cover your medical services, but you have to pay out of pocket much bigger amount.

The concept of auto insurances in the world

Auto Insurances - a broad concept and includes car insurance (Casco), civil liability insurance for the vehicle owner for damage caused to third parties, as well as life and health insurance driver and passenger car accidents.

If your car is insured against all possible risks that may cause damage to or loss of the car body, it is called a complete hull. They include traffic accidents, fire, theft, falling heavy objects, illegal actions of third parties, natural disasters.

Another important concept of car insurance is compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners (OSAGO), supervision of which is extremely important for insurance supervisory authorities, given the large number of policyholders, are widely distributed both geographically and from a sociological point of view. This usually leads to a large number of disputes between customers of insurance companies and insurance companies. For most people, insurance OSAGO will be the first in their life insurance contract entered into with a private insurance company.

Mandatory third party liability insurance means that the conditions of insurance policies must be effective oversight. This is to ensure that, wherever possible to protect policyholders of unfair treatment to them by insurance companies.

The car is insured for a certain amount (the sum insured), which is the equivalent market value of the car or its parts. Within this amount, the insurance company makes payments under the real damage. Based on selected risk conditions overnight car storage, the number and length of service of drivers who drive a car, etc., is calculated insurance rates. Insurance cost is determined by multiplying the premium rate and the sum insured.

The most expensive component of the risk of an accident after a hijacking. If the machine sleeps in the garage or parking, protected by anti-theft systems, the fare will be less. The cost of the remaining risk is very low, and save them does not make sense, but they may come in handy.

For mutual interests in the insurance deductible is used. This is the amount of damage that does not pay the insurance company, therefore, it should be paid by car owners. It is measured, or in money, or as a percentage of the amount of damage. For the UK - is an opportunity to "education" of the client disciplinary methods. People more carefully refers to the insured property when it is financially responsible. Besides, so cut off small payments, which occur more frequently than larger ones.

For the motorist deductible reduces the cost of insurance. More educated clients themselves can calculate yourself the best franchise based on the estimated cost of various auto parts, which are often damaged (bumper, fenders, doors). Happens to the "zero deductible" when any damage is refundable in full. But we should not rejoice in it: it is possible that the cost of insurance will increase substantially, or in the policy will be spelled out in small type, in which the unlikely event there is no deductible.

Another thing to consider when choosing the conditions of insurance is the point of paying insurance, with or without wear. If given, it is worth to be ready to pay the difference in the depreciation of the damaged parts of their own pockets. If you choose the item "excluding depreciation, the cost of insurance will be expensive.

Also there is this kind of car insurance as a voluntary insurance of civil liability - DSAGO. Voluntary insurance of civil liability is not less important than your car insurance because the insurance indemnity for this risk can be a real alternative to criminal prosecution. Third party lawsuit, accidentally injured in an accident, sometimes contain financial claims in the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and legal proceedings and litigation stretching over several years. Thrust plaintiffs are seeking to satisfy their claims, and defendants must spend considerable time, effort and money for his defense.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A bit of auto insurances statistics

auto insurances
In 2004, the U.S. was stolen about 1 million 237 thousand cars - by 1.9% less than in 2003. Hijackers chose to kidnap the old machines of popular brands, which can be used as a source of spare parts. A considerable figure.

Perhaps that is why the United States any insurance benefits begins at about the same: "insurance - is inevitable, but a necessary evil (as a tax that must be paid, otherwise you can go to jail) - and this must be taken for granted." But if Europe's debate about the need for a "Driver" to any and all drivers have already passed stage, then in the United States such legal consensus is not reached - in five states of the state civil liability insurance for drivers is not mandatory. Today, compulsory auto insurance liability operates in 45 U.S. states. In five other states in the presence of state law requires the driver to the presence of at least a minimum benefit package. It is worth it, depending on where the driver's home from $ 500 to $ 1000 per year.

However, insurance conditions, in particular the minimum amount of insurance coverage and the value of insurance premiums, vary widely from state to state. In one state, the car owner is not even able to register without compulsory insurance in another - with you no one is required to provide insurance to the first accident or offense. Tariffs on auto insurance in the U.S. beyond the control of the state and most often determined by the insurance companies.The amount of annual fee calculated on a complex scheme of points and bonuses, taking into account the cost of the car and the insurance history of the driver for the past year.

The main parameters of insurance coverage, which provides insurance in the U.S., are determined by three numbers - the value of the maximum compensation for physical and moral damages for each victim, the amount of payments to all injured in the accident and the amount for compensation of material damage. Depending on the state minimum sum of insurance compensation can range from $ 10 tys./20 th / 5 th in Mississippi to $ 50 tys./100 tys./25 thousand in Maine. In California, the car owner must have a policy with minimum liability insurance in case of bodily injury and property damage estimated at 15 thousand dollars if you hurt one person, 30 thousand dollars if you hit more than one person, and 5 thousand dollars to cover property damage. In upstate New York and the District of Columbia, where the U.S. capital, the parameters - 25/50/10, and in Alaska - 50/100/25.

But in nearly every state insurers will offer you in addition to the minimum and compulsory insurance package to buy voluntary auto insurance policy. After all, the cheapest insurance package is often able to cover only a portion of the damage resulting from accident damage - other riders will have to reimburse out of pocket. The minimum insurance package does not cover many items of expenditure in road incident guilty parties, in particular the cost of parking and towing of vehicles affected, the payment of court costs, compensation for loss of profits, etc. Given Americans' love for all kinds of litigation, often the costs of compensation by the guilty party reach six-figure sums. If the amount of legal action exceed the amount of insurance coverage, through an accident culprit instantly becomes available to the insurance company and a bailiff. Therefore, the majority of Americans, particularly those with their own business tend to best protect themselves from such surprises, leaving all the potential costs to insurers.

In the U.S. there are many insurance companies that offer a large number of different insurance schemes. For example, in New York, 40-year-old married man with middle-class car in 2000 release, nochuyuschuyu in the garage a safe area where a day is necessary in business to drive about 20 miles, will pay 2.5 thousand dollars a year as an insurance fee. For Washington, this amount - up to a thousand dollars. A number of large insurance companies in general may refuse to insure drivers who fell in the "high risk".

Some usefull information about US automobile insurances

auto insurances
car incident
Insurance in the United States completely at the mercy given to the states, which can set their own requirements. In most states, a system of insurance of the United States, similar Russian OSAGO, that is, mandatory liability insurance in case of injury to health or property of third parties. Although there are exceptions - for example, in the New Hampshire party liability insurance is not required, but in one of the oldest states in the country - Virginia - instead of the insurance can pay the budget amount of $ 500, which does not synonymous with insurance, but simply allows you to register a car without policy. And here in North Carolina driver's license generally can not be obtained before you present your valid insurance.

There are two opposite models that address the question of who should compensate damage in the event of an incident.

According to the model of the stadium »(ballpark model), practiced in New Hampshire, everyone should be" for itself. " That is, no matter what happens, all costs associated with the restoration of health or property shall be borne by you, even if what happened is not your fault. The idea prevalent in the country have filed a baseball stadium, where visitors often are injured by baseballs, and where the administration is not responsible for it can not be held. In fact, unless you can predict where to fly a tiny ball?

On the contrary, "the model of Disneyland» (Disneyland model) binds to compensate damages caused to third parties, namely those responsible for the accident. Its name to the model required to Disneyland amusement park, where the leadership is responsible for any accident, which occurred with the visitors.

The highest manifestation of this model is the idea to give the duty to register the machine (to give them rooms) is the insurance companies, which must simultaneously and to insure them. Now the issuance of license plates are engaged in the power structures in each state.

Who is insured?

As a rule, the U.S. insurance protects any person that controls the insured vehicle, except for members of the family owner of the car - they must be specifically set in the policy. That is, when you're driving your friend - you are not protected by their insurance, but his.You can also exclude from coverage, and individuals.There is a market auto insurance and a special kind of insurance for those who have not owned a car, but who by virtue of any reason to go is still necessary - "individual policy» (Named Operator Policies). Such insurance, including useful to those who have been deprived of rights and to restore them must produce insurance.

A variety of insurances products

Generally, insurance in the U.S. is very flexible and the existence of a large set of insurance products.Thus, liability can be insured as no distinction between "life and property» (combined single limit), and with division (split limits): in the latter case for each kind of set a limit of liability.Analogue of Russian risk "Damage" can be considered "insurance against accidents» (collision).

A special kind - a "comprehensive coverage» (comprehensive), which, in fact, is not, and protects the machine from the risks that are not included in the collision - such as theft, fire, collision with animals and stuff.

There are special types of insurance, on rare but still possible situations:

  • If you are faced with uninsured drivers (uninsured / underinsured coverage);
  • if the car rental companies will request you to damages for what it is for some time will not be able to use the machine you are hurt, that is insurance against loss of profits (loss of use);
  • if you took a loan in an amount exceeding the actual cost of the car, the balance can also be insured (loan / lease payoff). Insurance companies, in order to avoid fraud, usually only insure the car at their actual value, but in this case, having the confirmation number you received from banks, to insurance and a large amount;
if you need a tow, not as the result of an accident (mechanical problems, out of gas, etc.). In the usual treatment of such risk is not included, so there is a special product of towing;If you want your personal belongings that are in the car were insured (personal property).

Auto Insurances in the U.S.

   Auto insurance market in the United States of America, of course, is the largest in the world and offered it insurance products are extremely diverse. This is due to the fact that for many Americans, the automobile became the most common, and often the only means of transportation, and the fact that the car owners' liability insurance is mandatory. Car owner must have insurance for his vehicle licensing, management and renewal driver's license. In the U.S. there obschefederalnoy system regulation of the insurance industry, and each state performs these functions independently, so different and requirements for auto insurance.

Today, most auto insurance policies sold as a package of insurance services, covering insurance payments car owner and third parties. The following types of insurance coverage:• collision. Damages awarded against damage to the vehicle when the accident (collision with another car or object). This is usually the most expensive form of insurance. Pre-envisions a franchise, the size of which usually varies from 50 to 1000 dollars;• The total coverage. Damages awarded against damage to the car in all other cases, except as provided above, due to fire, theft, collisions with animals, of incidence of objects, earthquakes, floods, etc. This type of insurance, like the previous one, in almost all states is voluntary;• physical damage. Any damage caused to the health of persons affected by the accident through the fault motorist, including medical expenses and lost income. Is mandatory in most states;• damage to property. Refundable damage to property of third parties (car, fence, house, etc.) in a collision caused by the automobile owner. Is mandatory in most states;• medical expenses. Be reimbursed medical expenses, and on-ridge owner of the vehicle or its passengers, and sometimes - others. Is mandatory in some states;• personal injury ("personal injury protection", or "PIP"). This insurance is similar to the previous one, but it provides a wider range of costs. Coverage also includes the non-received income and collateral persons injured in the accident. As a rule, is required in states where insurance policies "without fault", which is discussed below;• uninsured / underinsured driver. Reimbursed medical expenses, lost income and pay non-economic (moral hazard) in a collision with a driver having no insurance coverage or having it in an insufficient amount. Protection afforded to the case when the driver of another car flee the scene. This type of insurance is also mandatory in many states.

Norm of compulsory insurance exist in virtually all American states, one-however its types and limits of liability may differ significantly. The differences are due to several factors: the saturation state of road, accident statistics, particularly civil law regulation.

Civil liability of car owners (responsible for physical and property damage to third parties) is the most common in the U.S. view of the mandatory auto insurance. Minimum limits of liability for physical harm to one victim can amount lyat from 10 thousand to 50 thousand dollars more - 15-25 thousand, according to property damage - from 5 thousand to 25 thousand dollars, in most cases - 10 thousand dollars in many states is also necessary to insure of medical expenses of the motorist. This is accomplished through such kinds of insurance as "non-insured drivers and the PIP.
In 13 states, auto insurance is based on insurance law, "without fault". Under insurance "without fault" means that every car owner receives compensation for damages from his insurer. This approach allows us to provide the minimum insurance cover at low prices, as well as reduce legal costs and loss of time, which is very important because, according to civil law the individual would be required to compensate the damage they have suffered only if he committed the offense or the degree of his guilt was more than the victim. As a consequence, for damages in court required careful investigation of all circumstances of the case, which is expensive and not always possible. Often, the costs for the parties are higher than the amount of damages.
To prevent the consideration of cases of minor damage in the courts, insurance "without fault" is used several approaches. First, set the minimum limit for the amounts recovered in the courts, such as 2 thousand dollars Smaller amounts are compensated directly by the insurer. Second, the limited types of damages, which are presented lawsuits. So may be stated that the court considers only cases involving "serious injury", which implies physical harm resulting in death or substantial loss of health. In some states, motorists are given the choice between the insurance industry "without fault" and traditional insurance.

As an example, consider a system of auto insurance in New Jersey, is-is one of the most difficult. Insurance Act "without fault" came into force on 1 January 1973 and underwent several changes later. The last of which came into force in 1999 in this state car drivers are obliged to choose one of two types of insurance policies. Basic policy - is a low-cost insurance policy that provides minimum insurance coverage. A standard policy provides a wide range of insurance coverage, some of which are absent in the underlying policy.

Under PIP insurance base and standard policy has a deductible.Its size can be 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and $ 2500 medical expenses above the deductible and up to 5 thousand dollars divided between the insurer and the insured in the following proportions: Insurer - 80%, the insured - 20%. Medical expenses over 5 thousand dollars paid by the insurer. Thus, depending on the amount of the excess of the insured maximum own costs could reach respectively 1200 (250 - the franchise, 950 - 20% payment of health expenditure), 1400, 1800, 2600 and $ 3000
By the standard policy within the framework of PIP insurance included an additional package of new insurance services, including: reimbursement of lost income up to $ 100 a week within a limit of 5,200 dollars, payment for additional services that the victim is usually performed make independently (house cleaning , clearing snow, laundry, etc.) to $ 12 per day within the limit in 4380 dollars, the payment in case of death of the victim, equated to the amount of lost revenue and additional services that would have been paid to him; burial expenses in the range of 1000 to $ policyholder may waive the additional package, and choose a higher level of insurance coverage.

To determine the reimbursement of medical expenses in the state of New Jersey established-mined special lists, which specify a maximum cost of each service. Accounts for more expensive medical services will not be paid. Recent changes in legislation provide for such purposes to use such forms as treatment protocols are typical of cases, the list of diagnostic tests, as well as a list of medical expenses that are considered "acceptable."Controversial issues relating to compensation for medical expenses may be directed to the special committee. Issues related to treatment, will thus be considered an independent medical institution.

Organization of car insurance in New Jersey provides for the formation of a special fund from which the compensation insurers of their expenditures on PIP, exceeding 75 thousand dollars In addition, using a mechanism called "risk sharing" and is intended to resolve these situations. The driver, the insurance policy which values ​​of chitsya waiver from making a lawsuit may be at fault in a collision with a driver who has no such restrictions. In this case, the insurer is the first driver will have to indemnify the second driver, including non-economic. "Exchange Risk," will provide compensation insurer that part of its costs that are associated with non-economic damages. Funding carries out by means of a part of premiums paid for policies that have no restrictions on suing.

One of the most effective laws on insurance "without fault" is recognized as a state law Mi-chigan, adopted in 1973 by His distinctive features are: an unlimited indemnity metal-ditsinskih expenses, damages caused to property of third parties, up to 1 million dollars and the use of Approach "no-fault" insurance for the car from damage.

The basic package of PIP is valid for residents of Michigan for their movement by Terry trajectory not only States but also throughout the country, as well as Canada. Insurance Act, "no-fault" applies to all vehicles with more than two wheels. Bikes do not fall under its scope, but in an accident with a car rider would be reimbursed by insur-Niya PIP, which pays the insurer, insured car.

Insurers are required to offer three types of coverage. Standard collision - a type of insurance coverage, similar to those used in other states. According to it, provided compensation for losses due to partial damage or total loss a car beyond the franchise.

Two other types of insurance coverage are unique to Michigan.Broad collision differs from the standard fact that the franchise is not used if the insured "not guilty" in the accident. This type of coverage actually takes into account the guilty parties accident: in states with traditional car insurance deductible is valid if the insurer "guilty." If insurance Vatel "not guilty", then it must compensate for losses the insurer of "guilty" motorists without you-couple franchise.
Limited impact - it's a franchise without compensation if the policyholder is not the wine-vat. If he is "guilty" in the accident, the compensation shall not be granted. The cover of the covering is also able to reproduce the situation in the states that use a traditional insurance: the motorist in general may prefer not to purchase insurance, but he has the right to sue for damages to the driver, guilty of the accident.

Another feature of Michigan is the protection of small insurance companies from bankruptcy by paying out unlimited medical expenses. At the state level, a special association is the official state reinsurer, and it carries damages in excess of 250 thousand dollars

In Colorado, has fairly high level of payments for insurance PIP, that returns the NE-binding. PIP package includes the following coverage: medical expenses up to 50 thousand dollars in 5 years; rehabilitation services to 50 thousand dollars over 10 years, the revenues up to $ 400 a week for 52 weeks, and additional services to 25 dollars a day for 52 weeks and pay for lethal in the amount of $ 1000 per person. Of households with low income (less than 20 thousand dollars) may alternatively acquire basic policy providing for reimbursement of medical expenses up to 25 thousand dollars of lost revenue to 5 thousand dollars and paid in the event of death of 5 thousand dollars per person.

In order to stimulate motor insurance in many states to undertake special measures to reduce insurance costs. In some cases, reduction of premiums can be directly prescribed by law. For example, in Hawaii, the minimum requirements of compulsory motor insurance include: PIP of $ 10 thousand dollars, the physical damage amounting to 20 thousand dollars per person (40 thousand for one insured event) and property damage amounting to 10 thousand dollars These requirements came into force in 1998, when insurers were ordered to reduce prices to the Fox with the minimum limits required by 20-35%, which is able to do all insurers licensed to automobile insurance in this state.

Compulsory insurance, as emphasized by experts in this field, does not purport to meet the specific needs of each motorist in insurance protection. To be protected, car owners often require additional voluntary insurance for a greater number of risks and in a larger size. For example, for physical damage experts have recommended coverage of 100 thousand dollars per person and 300 thousand for one insured event. The effectiveness of compulsory motor insurance indicates a long experience of the meeting: in many states the relevant laws were passed decades ago.

These words you can find on every auto insurances web-site

AUTO INSURANCES / CAR INSURANCES - auto insurance and motor vehicles, as well as drivers and passengers. In the sphere of automobile insurance include liability insurance of the owner of the vehicle for damage caused to life, health or property of third parties in connection with the operation of the vehicle or motorcycle as a source of increased risk (in most countries is mandatory).
Insurance agent - natural or legal person who has an agency agreement with an insurer and a leading insurance business on behalf of and in the interests of the insurer.
Adjusters - a person, consider the claim and arrange for settlement.

INSURANCE ACT - a document specifying the place, time, reasons, insurance loss, the amount of damage, etc., if necessary, containing the opinions of experts and other competent bodies.Compiled by the insurance company with the participation of the insured or his representative in the insurance case, is the basis for payment of insurance compensation.

ACTUARIES - a specialist in mathematical statistics and probability theory, professionally engaged in the tariff calculation, reserves and liabilities of an insurance company.

Actuarial calculations - the mathematical and statistical research methods education insurance reserves, insurance rates by type of insurance.

Underwriter - a person authorized by the insurance company to analyze, to take on the insurance (reinsurance), and reject all kinds of risks, and to classify selected risks to get on them optimal insurance premium. Underwriter is responsible for the formation of insurance (reinsurance) portfolio. Must possess the necessary knowledge and practice to establish the appropriate level of risk, premium rates and terms of insurance.

Underwriting - the process of risk analysis, risk-taking on the insurance (reinsurance) or rejection, including: evaluation; classification for insurance or no insurance, the definition of the terms, conditions, and the size of coverage, calculation of the size premium.

Annuities - an agreement or contract with an insurance company, under which an individual acquires the right to regularly received the amount from a certain time, such as retirement.

BANKING INSURANCE - the invasion of commercial banks in the insurance industry (primarily life insurance), expressed in purchasing existing insurance companies and / or (if permitted by law) organizations of the sales of insurance policies through an extensive network of bank branches and offices.

BLOCK INSURANCE - covers risks related to several types of goods being shipped from a variety of modes and the large number of small parties.

BONUS - Insurance in the amount of money in excess of ordinary income payable to the policyholder by the insurer from profiting from the investment of insurance reserves for life insurance.

INSURANCE BROKER - an insurance intermediary between the insured and the insurer is acting on behalf of their customers (policyholders) and enter into contracts of insurance on their behalf.

Broker's commission - in favor of the broker's fee for services paid from the premiums, the insurer intended.

Mutual insurance - a form of insurance, under which the policyholder is also the insurer.

COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE POLICY - insurance exports (export credit) at a time of political and credit risks.

Beneficiary - person or entity designated by the insurance policy, beneficiary of the insurance indemnity in case the insured event.

CIVIL LIABILITY - or third-party liability - insurance agreement under which any legal or natural person having any claim to the participants of the insurance contract, referred to as a third party.

DECLARATION OF INSURANCE - Insured statement of the object and the nature of insurance risk. Includes information about the location, cost, condition, order of storage or use, technical readiness, fire or other alarm systems, as well as qualitative characteristics (brand, model, grade, structure, composition, etc.).

Discount - discount for re-insurance, which insurers can get that for a certain period of time does not permit insurance claims.

Voluntary health insurance - a form of health insurance, which assumed the payment of medical services, appeared on the Russian insurance market in 1991

Travel Insurance - a form of insurance, exercised on the basis of the contract. In contrast to compulsory insurance under which the policyholder is legally obliged to enter into a contract of insurance of the property or liability to third parties, the contract of insurance is voluntary.

Insurance contracts - an agreement between the insured and the insurer, under which one party (the insurer) accepts a conditioned reward (premium) the obligation to indemnify the other party (the insured), resulting from the stipulated in the contract of insurance adverse events, which exposed the insured property, and also the life or health insurer.

INSURED - an individual life, health and working ability which is the object of insurance protection for personal insurance.

STATEMENT OF INSURED - a written document about the desire to conclude an insurance contract, or information about the accident.

EXPRESS loss - monetary value of damage (harm) caused to property interests of the insured (the insured) as a result of the insured event, the fact that in the manner prescribed by law or contract of insurance, the insurer stated.

GREEN CARD - agreement on mutual recognition of member countries of the Agreement insurance liability insurance for owners of motor vehicles. Agreement on the green card was signed in 1953 on the recommendation of the Economic and Social Council of the UN and its members, a majority of the world. Under the Agreement an insurance policy for civil liability issued in any member country of the Agreement shall be valid on the territory of another country, a member of this Agreement. This means that if the foreign holder of such a policy is damaging to a third party in another country of residence - term agreement, and there is a corresponding responsibility, the insurance organization to which he applied, should completely recover such damages, to provide necessary help and recover incurred in this communication costs with the insurance company issuing the policy. Russia is not a member of the Agreement on the green card.

Property insurance - the insurance industry, in which the object of insurance is the property interests associated with the ownership, disposal and use of property. Insurance in cases where the risk is associated with loss of property. According to the classification of licensed insurance in the Russian Federation, Property insurance includes insurance: means of ground transport, air transport, water transport, cargo and other types of property, financial risks.
Source of increased danger - an activity associated with the operation of certain facilities, the special properties that pose an increased probability of causing harm to others.

Catastrophic risk -
loss or series of related losses that may occur in a particular place at a time;large number of potential risks;natural disaster;emergency.P & I Clubs (P & I Clubs) - the organization created by shipowners for the purpose of insurance against damages caused to third parties and is not covered by the contract of marine insurance.

Group insurance - a form of insurance applied for insurance of some persons who act as a single unit for the convenience of the administrative matters. Usually, so do employers insure their employees. Group policy issued to the employer or other representative of the insured, and team members receive certificates as evidence that they are insured.

Comprehensive insurance - comprehensive insurance coverage on several types of insurance, which guarantees an insurance contract.

Loss ratio - the ratio of insurance to the insurance money paid or payable to the earned premium.

Captive insurance companies - a subsidiary of an insurance company formed by industry and trade organizations to provide insurance protection of the parent organization. Allows you to save on insurance costs, in particular, to brokerage commissions.

LIMIT OF LIABILITY INSURER - the maximum liability of the insurer under the insurance contract, is fixed in the policy. Can be installed under a separate insurance risk or a separate occurrence.

Insurance limit - the maximum amount of money, which you can insure wealth, life, health, etc., based on the generated risk assessment.

Personal insurance - the insurance industry, in which the object of insurance is the property interests associated with the life, health, capacity for work and pensions rights.

MARINE INSURANCE - the collection of all types of insurance, providing insurance protection to property interests of the members of marine businesses from the risks related to hazards and accidents suffered by the vessel, cargo and freight. For marine insurance also includes liability insurance for shipowners.

Endowment insurance - the kind of long-term life insurance, for which the sum insured is payable if the policyholder surviving to them before the deadline or in case of death of the insured to his heirs. These policies guarantee the payment of insurance coverage (or yourself insured or his or her dependents or heirs), so they often play a dual role: as an insurance policy and as a form of investment.

ACCIDENTScoming against the will of man sudden, short-term event (incident), which resulted in injury or death;accident, explosion, accident, traffic accident (RTA), accompanied by death, injury, loss or damage to the insured object.Insurance object - does not contradict the Russian law property interests: to the life, health, capacity for work and pensions of the insured or the insured (private insurance) related to the possession, use and disposal of property (property insurance) associated with reimbursement of the insured person caused them harm or property of an individual, as well as the harm caused by legal entity (liability insurance).

COMPULSORY INSURANCE - a form of insurance in which the relationship between the insured and the insurer arise by operation of law and do not require, as is the optional insurance, prior agreement of the parties.

Reinsurance - a system of economic relations, under which the insurer is taking on insurance risk, part of the responsibility on them (taking into account their financial capacity) is transmitted to the agreed conditions of other insurers (reinsurers) to create opportunities for a balanced insurance portfolio, ensuring financial stability and profitability of insurance operations.

Reinsurer -insurer takes on a certain part of the obligations of another insurer for insurance claims;company that specializes only in the reinsurance.POLIS - Document; is legal proof of the contract of insurance and, therefore, if necessary, can be brought to court to sue the insurer to recover from his loss.

GENERAL POLICY - an insurance contract, under which the insurer agrees to insure the insurer all a certain kind of risks in similar conditions. For example, goods received or sent to them within a specified period of time, must be insured with one insurer, and he should be responsible for all of the risks insured, including for those who have not been timely filed to insurance.

Policyholder - the policyholder or insured person.

TOTAL LOSS - irreparable loss the insurer of the insured property (ship, cargo, vehicle) as a result of occurrence of insured risks.

Placement insurer RESERVES - some government agency order in which the surplus funds of insurance reserves are used by insurers to invest in various financial instruments.

INSURANCE TERMS - Establishes the rights and obligations of parties under an insurance contract, the object of insurance, insurance claims and a list of exceptions under which the insurer is relieved of liability. Insurance regulations generally set out in the insurance policy or an integral part of the insurance contract.Approved by the head of the insurance companies and state bodies of insurance supervision.

AWARD - The amount paid by insured to the insurer for the adoption of the latest on the obligation to pay the appropriate amount when the insured event due to the conditions of the insurance contract.

Pool Reinsurance - the union of the companies to arrange reinsurance protection, where each company (as opposed to the insurance pool) carries insurance on their own, passing the pool only a part of taking responsibility.

INSURANCE POOL - association of insurance companies on the basis of the contract (agreement) for co-insurance on certain types of risk (mainly large and unknown). Based on principles of co-insurance.

PLACEMENT OF RISKS - insurance of large, expensive or dangerous risks by brokers from several insurers.

Regression - an insurer to bring a third party, is guilty of an insured event, claims to obtain compensation for damages.

INSURANCE RESERVES - Special funds created by the insurer to meet financial obligations stated to him, but not yet paid losses.

Retrocession - the process of further transmission of previously adopted in reinsurance risks.
RISK - the probability of incurring a loss or lose benefits (quantifiable uncertainty in the receipt of income or loss).

RISK non-insurance - the alleged event, may result in such losses, which can not compensate for the purchase of insurance (loss of hostilities, civil disturbances, emergencies).
Self-insurance - create your own reserve funds to cover insurance claims.

Coinsurance - insurance, in which two or more insurers are involved in insuring certain parts of the same risk by issuing a joint or separate policies, each in the sum insured in the corresponding lobe.

LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACT - the time period during which the insurance contract.

BET AWARDS - the ratio of premiums to the insurance amount.
INSURANCE COST - the amount of monetary valuation of real property interest in the insurance contract. Insurance amount can not exceed the actual value of the property insured at the time of signing the contract.

NUCLEAR RISK INSURANCE - the kind of property insurance provides compensation for material damage or personal harm from radiation exposure caused by a sudden and unforeseen circumstances in the extraction, production, storage, use and transport of nuclear fuel and radioactive substances.

Insurance for the benefit of others - an insurance contract entered into by one person in order to ensure coverage of the insurance interests of another person.
War risk insurance - the kind of property insurance against losses that may be caused as a result of hostilities, civil war, rebellion, insurrection, as well as mines, torpedoes, bombs and other destructive means. Of insurance are accepted ships, aircraft, cargo carried by them and other property.

INSURANCE GUARANTEE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT - the kind of liability insurance, aimed at guaranteeing the financial solvency of the contractor during contract performance.

Liability insurance - liability for injury or damage which may be caused to property or life and health of third parties resulting from the use of dangerous objects or management of such facilities (for example, means of transport. Liability may also be associated with the commission of an unintentional violation or breach of contractual obligations.

Liability insurance VEHICLES  - If liability insurance the insurer pays to third parties (or reimburse the insured) a sum which the policyholder must pay (or paid) to any third party for the harm they have in operation the means of transport harm: death, mutilation or other injury to, destruction of and property damage.

INSURANCE - the kind of property insurance, under which are recoverable damages, costs and fees due to damage or destruction (loss) of cargo (goods, luggage or other goods), irrespective of the mode of transportation.

INSURANCE FUNDS - the kind of property insurance against the risk of armed robbery term "cash" wide and includes cash, checks, tax stamps.
Deposit Insurance - the kind of property insurance, under which depositors are guaranteed repayment of their deposits in case of a declared insolvent banks, and as a result of their bankruptcies.

Home contents insurance - the kind of property insurance, the object of which Home Furnishings, Appliances and consumption (furniture, tableware, clothing and footwear, household appliances, food, personal ornaments, paintings, sculptures, etc.).

INSURANCE ADDITIONAL CHARGES - the kind of property insurance that covers additional costs associated with unforeseen circumstances

INSURANCE "common interests" - the kind of property insurance, which insures the lender the right to property purchased on credit.

LIFE INSURANCE - the kind of personal insurance that pays a certain amount of money in the event of death of the person insured his life, but in the case of endowment insurance is paid in connection with the death of a person whose life was insured, or after a specified time period - depending on whether , whichever is earlier.

HEALTH OF ANIMALS - the kind of property insurance, a kind of insurance domestic, agricultural, sporting and other animals.

Property insurance against fire - the form of property insurance, objects whose buildings, equipment, exhibits and exhibitions, etc.Under the terms of insurance will be reimbursed losses from damage or destruction of insured property by fire, lightning, explosion of gas consumed for domestic purposes, even if lightning or a gas explosion did not cause a fire.

CASCO insurance - an insurance term used to refer to insurance only the means of transport, does not include insurance of passengers transported property, third party liability, etc.

COMBINED INSURANCE - the kind of property insurance heterogeneous objects from a variety of risks in one insurance policy.

Credit insurance - the kind of property insurance, which provides continuation of payments in the repayment of certain debts if the policyholder will be unable to do so due to illness, death, loss of employment or at any predetermined reason.

INSURANCE for bad weather - the kind of property insurance, the object of which stands the organization of major sporting and entertainment events at public venues (stadiums, squares, etc.).Costs incurred in organizing such events pay off by viewers, advertising, display on TV or record on the radio and other risks of adverse outcomes for the entrepreneur could be bad weather (heavy rain, wind, snow or other weather surprises), which can lead to cancellation of the event.

INSURANCE "all risk" - the kind of property insurance covers many, but certainly not all the risks. In the insurance contract of this type is not listed those risks against which the insurance is, and those from whom insurance coverage is not provided.

Theft insurance - the kind of property insurance in which the owner of personal property receives insurance compensation for damage caused by:
forced entry to the premises or out of it by force;only forced entry to the site.Accident insurance - the kind of personal insurance policy entitles the holder to receive a certain sum of money for body parts damaged in an accident.

INSURANCE interruption - the kind of property insurance that covers the financial losses incurred as a result of stopping or reducing the activity of the enterprise due to fire or any other insurance risk.

INSURANCE FROM CRIMINAL USE OF ELECTRONICS AND COMPUTERS - form of property insurance that is associated with the risk of losses caused by incapacitate themselves of electronic systems or change information contained in electronic systems, for unauthorized access to these systems intruders. True for electronic payment systems of banks.

INSURANCE manufacturing defect - the kind of property insurance that covers the financial loss from defects in the product.

INSURANCE PERSONAL INSURANCE - the kind of property insurance, insurance facilities whose buildings, machinery, spare parts, materials and equipment intended for the construction and installation and are on a construction site specified in the contract of insurance.
Liability insurance - the insurance industry, the insurer undertakes to indemnify the insured amount to be paid to them to third parties for damages.

INSURANCE LIABILITY TO THIRD PARTIES UNDER CONSTRUCTION - assembly work - a type of insurance liability, under which the insurer may be accepted responsibility for the harm caused to person and property of third parties in accidents during construction, erection and commissioning works, and during the warranty period operation.

LIABILITY INSURANCE IN THE PRODUCTION OF DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND OTHER WORKS - the kind of liability insurance in which policyholders are the planners and organizers of roads, sewerage, plumbing and heating systems, designers of building bridges, firm or person responsible for maintenance of elevators and escalators, designers and builders of industrial buildings and residential houses, etc.
MANUFACTURER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE - Liability insurance, covers any compensation to which the insured is legally bound to pay the dead, injured or victims of property losses to customers due to a defect in the produced or realized the insured product.

Employer's Liability Insurance - Liability insurance, historically considered separately from other types of liability insurance.Employer's liability insurance policy covered liability arising from the law for bodily injury (including death) and disease directly related to industrial activity and occur in the implementation of the victims of their duties under the employment agreement.

Political risk insurance - the kind of property insurance, related to foreign trade and foreign investment. These risks include the risks of default on trade contracts and loans as a result of the embargo on exports and imports, ban the transfer of currency, expropriation of foreign assets, as well as the risks of default by importers - governmental organizations.

Professional Indemnity Insurance - insurance-related liability for financial losses of third parties that may be caused by "acts, errors and omissions."

INSURANCE OF MOTOR VEHICLES - the kind of property insurance, to which the international practice is to assign insurance cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, boats, motor boats and other means of transport.

Marine hull - the kind of property insurance, in international practice there are several variants of the standard clauses for the term:
full terms of insurance;insurance conditions no liability for particular average;insurance conditions, without liability for damage;insurance terms and conditions only on the total loss.

INSURANCE TECHNICAL RISK - the kind of property insurance, which includes: Erection Insurance, Machinery breakdown insurance, post-launch of warranty, insurance, electronic equipment, third party insurance for construction works.

INSURANCE Commodity stocks - the kind of property insurance, accumulated and sold by commercial vendors of goods to certain risks and all risks.

Environmental risk insurance - types of property insurance or liability insurance for the risks associated with environmental pollution.
INSURANCE ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT FROM RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH ITS USE - form of property insurance, based on standard conditions Machinery breakdown insurance tailored the insured objects, referring to their high saturation of electronics.
Insured - person or entity that is party to a contract of insurance, which pays premiums and is entitled by law or by contract to receive when the insured event reimbursement within the responsibility of the insured or the insured amount specified in the Contract. AS may enter into a contract of insurance in its favor and in favor of another person (the beneficiary).
Insurance payments - any payments made in accordance with the terms of the insurance contract.

INSURANCE PROTECTION - total liabilities of the insurer to ensure the requirements of an insurance product.

Insurance cost - the cost, in which the insurer estimates the object of insurance, is determined by agreement between the insurer and the insured.

The sum insured - the insurer is declared in the insurance contract amount by which the insurer insures its own interest. The sum insured in the property insurance must not exceed the insured value of the insured object.

COMPENSATION INSURANCE - The amount paid by the insurer to the insured damages caused by the insured as provided by the insurance contract.

Insured Event - a circumstance specified in the insurance contract (voluntary insurance) or law (compulsory insurance) as an event for which the insurer is obliged to perform its obligations under the insurance benefit.

Insurance risk - the alleged dangerous event in the event of attack is carried insurance. The event, regarded as an insurance risk must be characteristic of probability and randomness of its occurrence.

INSURANCE CASE - Take event stipulated in the insurance contract or by law, with the onset of which occurs the insurer's obligation to make insurance payments to the insured, the insured person, beneficiary or other third parties.

INSURER - the legal entity licensed to carry on insurance business, which takes over on an insurance contract for a fee (premium) the obligation to reimburse the insurer or other person to whom the Insurance, losses incurred as a result of the occurrence of insurance claims arising from the contract .
SUBROGATION - go to the insurer rights of the insured for damages (for example, to recover damages from the third (guilty) person or to dispose of a cargo or part thereof) after the payment of insurance compensation insurer.

Surveyor - Expert, undertaken at the request of the insured or the insurer's inspection of the insured or to be insured ships and cargoes. Surveyor shall determine the status of the examined property determines the nature and extent of its damage.

TENDER - for insurance:prompt insurers to participate in the contest for the right to sell policies in certain types of insurance (usually municipal property insurance, commercial and residential premises, etc.);the process of competition;claim for payment of debts;offer the insurance company to purchase its shares at a specified price.Title Insurance - insurance against the risk of loss resulting from defects title of ownership (title deed to land, real estate and other assets), found, for example, after purchasing an asset.

Third person - in insurance, third parties do not participate in the insurance contract, but under certain circumstances, acquire the appropriate right of claim to the insured arising from the conditions of this contract.

LOSS - a term related to the practice of insurance several meanings: 1) to be reimbursed by the insurer damage to insured property as a result of the insured event;

SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS - final announcement regarding the payment and the payment of money to claim.

Damage - Insured losses in monetary terms as a result of the loss.

Facultative reinsurance - a method of reinsurance under which the assignor has no obligations to the reinsurer by surrender of a risk for reinsurance. Assignor decides when, how and under what conditions transfer risks in reinsurance. Reinsurer is also not obliged to accept the risk.

DEDUCTIBLE - under the terms of the contract of insurance the insurer exemption from payment of damages, not exceeding a certain size. Distinguish between conventional (non-deductible) and unconditional (deductible) franchise. Conditional franchise means that if the loss of the insured event did not exceed the amount specified deductible, the insurer for such loss did not pay.In that case, if the loss exceeded the deductible, then such loss shall be compensated in full. Unlike the unconditional franchise is that if the loss exceeded the deductible, the amount of loss paid, net of deductible, ie, in any case the amount paid minus the deductible.